Skinny Passions : Facebook App Privacy Policy & GDPR Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy Details Outlined Below Apply To This Site And All Sites Within Passions Network Inc. When Joining Any Site Within
Passions Network Inc., You Are Acknowledging That You Have Read And Understand The Privacy Details As Outlined Within This Page.
We collect but do not link personal and activity data.
We only use your Facebook information (specifically your email address and date of birth) to facilitate Registration and Login within Passions Network. We never publicly associate any of your personally identifiable information with your member account on Passions Network.
We do not access your location via your Facebook account. Passion Network does require a location to be entered for search functionality. Our analytics system may log the approximate location of anonymous users.
You can request to see or delete your personal data.
You may choose to correct, update, or delete the membership information you have submitted to us by logging in and modifying your Passions Network account as you see fit. You may delete your Passions Network account at any point, and have control over email communications by clicking on a link in the bottom of each email you may receive from us.
We maintain the information collected for the life of your Passions Network account.
We don't share your personal data.
We do not convey any information about your use of this service to any other party. We may publish reports with aggregate information, such as trends in the interests of Passions Network users. This never includes unencrypted and/or non-hashed information about any individual user.
No ad companies collect data through our service.
We do not allow any other company to collect unencrypted and/or non-hashed information on this site for their own use.
You can ask privacy questions.
We encourage questions and comments on our privacy policy, and anything else that can help improve our service. Please contact us using the contact form located in the HELP area.
Analytics companies access anonymous data on our behalf.
Service providers may access data on our behalf.
Special situations may require disclosure of your data.
More information.
What is the GDPR?
Does the GDPR apply to non-EU members?
Passions Network & the GDPR - The Basics
How does Passions Network address the various issues raised by the GDPR - The Specifics
Analytics companies access anonymous data on our behalf.
"Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors engage with their website. Google Analytics customers can view a variety of reports about how visitors interact with their website so they can improve it. Google Analytics collects information anonymously. It reports website trends without identifying individual visitors." (Google)
Google Analytics Privacy Policy
Google Analytics Privacy Policy
Service providers may access data on our behalf.
We may use agents and contractors in order to help operate our site. Their use of information is limited to these purposes and is subject to confidentiality agreements.
Special situations may require disclosure of your data.
To operate the service, we also need to make your information available to third parties in these limited circumstances: (1) with your express consent, (2) when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, (3) when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to protect our rights or property, or (4) to any successor in a merger or acquisition. We will attempt to notify you in any such case, to the extent permitted by law to do so.
More information.
What is the GDPR?
GDPR is an acronym for the General Data Protection Regulation, which is "a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union" Detailed information on the GDPR can be found here: Wikipedia: GDPR.
Does the GDPR apply to non-EU members?
No, but most of Passions Network's rules/regulations/activities/Terms of Service are the same regardless of the member's location.
Passions Network & the GDPR - The Basics
Double opt-in Passions Network Inc. (Passions Network) uses a double opt-in registration process to confirm interest by individuals in forming a membership within Passions Network and it's network of online dating/social networking sites. All sites within Passions Network Inc. adhere to the same rules and regulations/Terms of Service, as they are all part of the singular Passions Network, network of online dating/social networking sites. Without verification of the email address registered, an account cannot be created. Members are provided with account Terms of Service during the double opt-in process.
Public vs Personal Data Passions Network does not sell any personal account information to any third party. Various account information is deemed public information and notifications that this type of information is available via search engines are present when members (optionally) enter this type of information. Other account information is deemed private information and is not provided to third parties.
Basic Account Notification Processes Passions Network notifies members via email of various account related information as part of it's service to connect members. Members have the option to modify their email account settings via links within email messages and within the email notification settings area of their accounts.
Account Deletion Option Passions Network provides the option for members to have their account deleted by notifying Passions Network of this desire. Once Passions Network is aware of a request for account deletion, the account (and associated information) is deleted from the Passions Network database typically within 24 hours. Note, some information is maintained, specifically the former username (to prevent new members from impersonating prior members) and public posts within blogs and forums (with only the username and the content of the post prevent complete disruption in forum and blog threads).
Public vs Personal Data Passions Network does not sell any personal account information to any third party. Various account information is deemed public information and notifications that this type of information is available via search engines are present when members (optionally) enter this type of information. Other account information is deemed private information and is not provided to third parties.
Basic Account Notification Processes Passions Network notifies members via email of various account related information as part of it's service to connect members. Members have the option to modify their email account settings via links within email messages and within the email notification settings area of their accounts.
Account Deletion Option Passions Network provides the option for members to have their account deleted by notifying Passions Network of this desire. Once Passions Network is aware of a request for account deletion, the account (and associated information) is deleted from the Passions Network database typically within 24 hours. Note, some information is maintained, specifically the former username (to prevent new members from impersonating prior members) and public posts within blogs and forums (with only the username and the content of the post prevent complete disruption in forum and blog threads).
How does Passions Network address the various issues raised by the GDPR - The Specifics
1) Consent Regarding Account Creation and Terms of Service - All members of Passions Network register their accounts via a double opt-in process to verify their interest in becoming members and their acceptance of the Terms of Service in becoming a member of Passions Network. New EU based members of Passions Network are required to review and consent to the GDPR Privacy Policy in order to become a member of Passions Network, Inc. Despite it not being required by the GDPR, Passions Network is also requiring all new members regardless of location to 'opt-in' to the GDPR Privacy Policy. As a social network / dating network, the sites within Passions Network cannot function for a member who chooses to withhold basic personal information used to help connect them with other members in Passions Network. Existing EU members must 'opt in' on their first visit back to Passions Network after May 25th, 2018. Failure to opt-in after that date will result in the EU member account no longer receiving any account notifications from Passions Network, as they will not have authorized further contact. Note: If a member has not entered account information allowing identification as an EU member, they may continue to receive notifications until such time that they identify their location. While every effort is made to determine location to allow Passions Network to adhere to GDPR requirements, the use of mobile devices and VPN's allow members to hide their locations, often times making it impossible to determine if a member is an EU member unless/until they update their account as such.
2) 'Real World Identity vs. Online Anonymity' - Passions Network Inc. (Passions Network) is a network of individual online dating / social networking sites with a premium on anonymity. As such, Passions Network does not ask for member's real names, addresses, phone numbers or credit card numbers. Passions Network highly recommends the use of unique usernames not used on other sites (to prevent identification via information posted on non-Passions Network related sites with the same username). Passions Network does not provide member email addresses to third parties, but highly recommends members create a new unique email address for use specifically within Passions Network in case of a data which case the Passions Network specific email address would not be beneficial to anyone, nor would it's identification be harmful to a member. This information is deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
3) PII (Personally Identifiable Information) - Passions Network does not sell your personal information to any third party, nor provide PII to any third party for use outside Passions Network and Passions Network services. This distinction is made due to the use of various third party software systems utilized to provide services like chat and instant updates on account activity. Any information provided to these third party systems is restricted to your internal Passions Network data (i.e. username, profile link, profile basics, sites within your account, etc.). This information allows members to interact with other members more efficiently while maintaining their 'real world' anonymity. Any information provided to these third party systems is deleted upon account deletion within Passions Network.
4) Cookies & Session ID's - As noted in the Cookie alert on the homepage, Passions Network uses Cookies (and Passions Network Inc. also uses Session ID's) to monitor activity within it's network and to benefit members who choose to use options like 'ease of login' & 'JUMP between sites'. These features are examples that are facilitated via Cookies and/or Session ID's (which are used by members logging in or moving between sites in Passions Network). Cookies are also used to minimize intrusive advertising by focusing ads to members based on the theme of various Passions Network sites. These cookies are placed by Passions Network and Advertising partners. More information on how Cookies are used by Advertising Partners can be found within our Terms of Service (TOS). Passions Network does not place Passions Network Cookies on member's browsers for use outside Passions Network's network of sites. If a member is concerned about the use of Cookies, they can turn off Cookies within their browsers (although this would affect some features within Passions Network like remembering login information automatically and possibly disabling the site from use). There are many different types of Cookies used by virtually every website. Click here to learn more about Cookies. Since some Cookies are required in order for Passions Network Inc. sites to work, Cookies have been enabled within Passions Network Inc. sites. Members (and visitors) have COMPLETE control over the Cookies they allow to be used within their browsers though, and Passions Network Inc. wants to make it easy for members and/or visitors to make informed decisions regarding Cookies (and to easily be able to disable them if they so choose). If you are not comfortable with Cookies being placed on your browser when visiting this (or any other) site, we are providing you with information on how to disable Cookies for each type of possible browser or App operating system. Click here to disable Cookies (Not Recommended). [Please note that information stored in Cookies makes your experience within Passions Network Inc. sites better and that by disabling Passions Network Cookies and/or Third Party Cookies, you are likely to find your website experience degraded.]
5) IP Addresses - Passions Network does collect member IP Addresses to identify location. IP Addresses are utilized to determine if members are being honest about their location, so that potential spammers/scammers cannot pretend to be in a specific location within their account while actually being in an entirely different location. Members who are concerned about what IP Address is being collected by Passions Network can visit What Is My IP.
6) Email - Passions Network sends members email messages to A) verify/validate their interest in joining a site within Passions Network B) to confirm their registration C) to alert them to contact attempts by other members within Passions Network D) to alert them to non-contact specific, but account related information specific to their Passions Network Account E) to alert them to changes within Passions Network. As part of the initial registration within Passions Network, members are asked to enter their email address, whereby they are sent a verification link to validate that they are in fact interested in registering as a member of Passions Network. This double opt-in process is a security measure to verify that the individual registering is in fact the owner of the email address in question and is opting in to Passions Network membership. Unless this double opt-in process is completed, verifying the desire of the email owner to participate as a member of Passions Network, they will not be registered, and their email address will not be stored, and they will not receive future email messages from Passions Network. Independent of registration there are a number of email notification options which can be managed by clicking links within future email messages and by making changes within a member's account. Email addresses are deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
7) Required Information vs. Optional Information - Passions Network requires members to provide their gender, sexual orientation, age & location. This information is critical to the use of the network by members, specifically within the search system. Aside from the information listed above, Passions Network also asks members to volunteer other information about themselves that can help them connect with members in the network. The more information members enter, the more likely their profile will be taken seriously by other members. This information is deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
8) Photos - Members are required to enter either a full face photo of themselves or a cartoon Avatar representation of themselves. We recommend photos, but in order to allow anonymity for members who choose it, we allow the use of Avatars via an Avatar creation system linked in our photo area. Member specific photos/Avatars are deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
9) Account Deletion (Right To Be Forgotten) - As mentioned, upon receiving an account deletion request, a member's account is deleted from the Passions Network system, including any member specific data and photos/Avatars. Passions Network does maintain public blog / forum posts made by deleted members, with a notation that the member is no longer a member of the network. While the username associated with the post remains, it is not linked to any member photo or account information. Usernames on the internet can be made by anyone at anytime and are not 'owned' by anyone. Maintaining usernames within blogs and forum simply maintain the flow of the discussion in a way to lessen confusion. This allows blog posts/forum threads to maintain cohesion without holes made by constantly deleting posts/comments made by former members. The policy of public posts remaining, although no longer associated with a specific member photos or account profiles, is outlined within our Terms of Service (TOS).
10) Security and Data Retention - Passions Network utilizes strong security protocols including hardware firewalls, software firewalls, server side virus protection scans and double-blind password encryption. As mentioned previously, members are highly encouraged to choose unique Passions Network specific usernames and to use unique Passions Network specific email addresses to lessen any potential identification of their accounts by comparison on public search engines to information they have uploaded online on other sites. With regards to data retention, Passions Network maintains a table of deleted usernames to prevent new users from joining and choosing a former member's username, and then impersonating them. This table of deleted usernames is only referenced when a new account is being created and only for the reason explained. Separately, as mentioneed, previously uploaded blog posts/comments and/or forum posts/comments are also maintained, although again, as referenced, without a connection to the original member who posted the information. (We replace the member's username, photo and profile link with a generic photo and the non-linked title:'Former Member'.
2) 'Real World Identity vs. Online Anonymity' - Passions Network Inc. (Passions Network) is a network of individual online dating / social networking sites with a premium on anonymity. As such, Passions Network does not ask for member's real names, addresses, phone numbers or credit card numbers. Passions Network highly recommends the use of unique usernames not used on other sites (to prevent identification via information posted on non-Passions Network related sites with the same username). Passions Network does not provide member email addresses to third parties, but highly recommends members create a new unique email address for use specifically within Passions Network in case of a data which case the Passions Network specific email address would not be beneficial to anyone, nor would it's identification be harmful to a member. This information is deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
3) PII (Personally Identifiable Information) - Passions Network does not sell your personal information to any third party, nor provide PII to any third party for use outside Passions Network and Passions Network services. This distinction is made due to the use of various third party software systems utilized to provide services like chat and instant updates on account activity. Any information provided to these third party systems is restricted to your internal Passions Network data (i.e. username, profile link, profile basics, sites within your account, etc.). This information allows members to interact with other members more efficiently while maintaining their 'real world' anonymity. Any information provided to these third party systems is deleted upon account deletion within Passions Network.
4) Cookies & Session ID's - As noted in the Cookie alert on the homepage, Passions Network uses Cookies (and Passions Network Inc. also uses Session ID's) to monitor activity within it's network and to benefit members who choose to use options like 'ease of login' & 'JUMP between sites'. These features are examples that are facilitated via Cookies and/or Session ID's (which are used by members logging in or moving between sites in Passions Network). Cookies are also used to minimize intrusive advertising by focusing ads to members based on the theme of various Passions Network sites. These cookies are placed by Passions Network and Advertising partners. More information on how Cookies are used by Advertising Partners can be found within our Terms of Service (TOS). Passions Network does not place Passions Network Cookies on member's browsers for use outside Passions Network's network of sites. If a member is concerned about the use of Cookies, they can turn off Cookies within their browsers (although this would affect some features within Passions Network like remembering login information automatically and possibly disabling the site from use). There are many different types of Cookies used by virtually every website. Click here to learn more about Cookies. Since some Cookies are required in order for Passions Network Inc. sites to work, Cookies have been enabled within Passions Network Inc. sites. Members (and visitors) have COMPLETE control over the Cookies they allow to be used within their browsers though, and Passions Network Inc. wants to make it easy for members and/or visitors to make informed decisions regarding Cookies (and to easily be able to disable them if they so choose). If you are not comfortable with Cookies being placed on your browser when visiting this (or any other) site, we are providing you with information on how to disable Cookies for each type of possible browser or App operating system. Click here to disable Cookies (Not Recommended). [Please note that information stored in Cookies makes your experience within Passions Network Inc. sites better and that by disabling Passions Network Cookies and/or Third Party Cookies, you are likely to find your website experience degraded.]
5) IP Addresses - Passions Network does collect member IP Addresses to identify location. IP Addresses are utilized to determine if members are being honest about their location, so that potential spammers/scammers cannot pretend to be in a specific location within their account while actually being in an entirely different location. Members who are concerned about what IP Address is being collected by Passions Network can visit What Is My IP.
6) Email - Passions Network sends members email messages to A) verify/validate their interest in joining a site within Passions Network B) to confirm their registration C) to alert them to contact attempts by other members within Passions Network D) to alert them to non-contact specific, but account related information specific to their Passions Network Account E) to alert them to changes within Passions Network. As part of the initial registration within Passions Network, members are asked to enter their email address, whereby they are sent a verification link to validate that they are in fact interested in registering as a member of Passions Network. This double opt-in process is a security measure to verify that the individual registering is in fact the owner of the email address in question and is opting in to Passions Network membership. Unless this double opt-in process is completed, verifying the desire of the email owner to participate as a member of Passions Network, they will not be registered, and their email address will not be stored, and they will not receive future email messages from Passions Network. Independent of registration there are a number of email notification options which can be managed by clicking links within future email messages and by making changes within a member's account. Email addresses are deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
7) Required Information vs. Optional Information - Passions Network requires members to provide their gender, sexual orientation, age & location. This information is critical to the use of the network by members, specifically within the search system. Aside from the information listed above, Passions Network also asks members to volunteer other information about themselves that can help them connect with members in the network. The more information members enter, the more likely their profile will be taken seriously by other members. This information is deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
8) Photos - Members are required to enter either a full face photo of themselves or a cartoon Avatar representation of themselves. We recommend photos, but in order to allow anonymity for members who choose it, we allow the use of Avatars via an Avatar creation system linked in our photo area. Member specific photos/Avatars are deleted from Passions Network upon account deletion.
9) Account Deletion (Right To Be Forgotten) - As mentioned, upon receiving an account deletion request, a member's account is deleted from the Passions Network system, including any member specific data and photos/Avatars. Passions Network does maintain public blog / forum posts made by deleted members, with a notation that the member is no longer a member of the network. While the username associated with the post remains, it is not linked to any member photo or account information. Usernames on the internet can be made by anyone at anytime and are not 'owned' by anyone. Maintaining usernames within blogs and forum simply maintain the flow of the discussion in a way to lessen confusion. This allows blog posts/forum threads to maintain cohesion without holes made by constantly deleting posts/comments made by former members. The policy of public posts remaining, although no longer associated with a specific member photos or account profiles, is outlined within our Terms of Service (TOS).
10) Security and Data Retention - Passions Network utilizes strong security protocols including hardware firewalls, software firewalls, server side virus protection scans and double-blind password encryption. As mentioned previously, members are highly encouraged to choose unique Passions Network specific usernames and to use unique Passions Network specific email addresses to lessen any potential identification of their accounts by comparison on public search engines to information they have uploaded online on other sites. With regards to data retention, Passions Network maintains a table of deleted usernames to prevent new users from joining and choosing a former member's username, and then impersonating them. This table of deleted usernames is only referenced when a new account is being created and only for the reason explained. Separately, as mentioneed, previously uploaded blog posts/comments and/or forum posts/comments are also maintained, although again, as referenced, without a connection to the original member who posted the information. (We replace the member's username, photo and profile link with a generic photo and the non-linked title:'Former Member'.
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